Our Story

In 2009 Paul and Elizabeth met on eHarmony. They fell in love and opened The Shop. Paul spent the first 5 years working as a truck driver to make ends meet while they built their business. In 2011, Paul formed Heart & Soul Garage, where he did repairs, maintenance, and tune-ups for bikers on the weekends until 2014 when he was able to be there full time. Since then, Paul and Liz have expanded their shop, their garage, offered more services, more biker gear, and have developed life long relationships along the way. They are both so thankful for their customers and friends who have supported them as they follow their dream.



Paul and Elizabeth Palmer

Paul and his best friends grew up on motorcycles, and he has been riding faithfully since he was ten years old. He served in the Navy as a jet mechanic, he spent years as a singer/song writer but always had a love for motorocyles and knew that he wanted to have his own shop one day. Today you can find him hanging out at the parts counter with customers or working on bikes in the Heart & Soul Garage.

Right out of high school, Liz and her mom opened a dress shop on The Strand in Galveston and went on to open her own gift shop. She has always had a love of people and their stories. After hearing Paul’s dream of owning a motorcycle shop, she knew with her experience in retail and his passion for bikes, they could make that dream a reality together.

Seamstress and Front of the House

Autumn Lambert

This is Autumn. Our all around shop girl! She's fun and she don't take smack from nobody.

Autumn has been with us since 2015 and has been our leading lady in our sewing department- which is no surprise there since she has a bachelor's in Fashion Design!

Autumn is great to shoot the breeze with while waiting for your bike to be serviced but she is also very knowledgeable in the vests, chaps, and helmets that we carry here at The Shop.

Fun Facts about Autumn:

-She's originally from Cisco, Texas

- She got hitched back in 2018 to one of our local bikers

- Her motto in life: work smarter not harder

Dax Lott

Dax started working for the shop in 2020 while doing his high school intern program. He fit right in and quickly became part of the family. He has always loved how real and down-to-earth bikers tend to be. He is currently in school to become an airplane mechanic so catch him at The Shop every Saturday and Sunday. 

Fun Facts about Dax:

-He is a national powerlifting champion

-He loves fishing and camping